Our style of martial arts has been created by Master Phil throughout the years as he continuously builds on his experience to develop and discover new ideas. The American Concepts style is influenced by many different martial arts methods. It is a blend of Japanese Karate, Shaolin Kempo, and Northern and Southern Kung Fu. History and traditions are the foundation of our art. Martial arts is 90% art and 10% fighting. Training is focused around the art; the heart and soul of martial arts, and our Common Sense Self Defense techniques for personal safety.
We teach the movements of the five animals; tiger, leopard, crane, snake and dragon... and the five values; effort, etiquette, sincerity, self-control and character.
American Concepts Martial Arts • 10 Maple Ave. Shrewsbury, MA 01545 • 508-842-0052 www.americanconceptsmartialarts.com
We teach the movements of the five animals; tiger, leopard, crane, snake and dragon... and the five values; effort, etiquette, sincerity, self-control and character.
American Concepts Martial Arts • 10 Maple Ave. Shrewsbury, MA 01545 • 508-842-0052 www.americanconceptsmartialarts.com